Masanori Wakita

Global Fellow Masanori Wakita

Global Research Fellow

Masanori Wakita is Associate Professor at Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University. He earned his LLB and JD from the University of Tokyo. His area of research is corporate law, and recently his focus is on tender offer regulations. He has written articles recommending the revision of Japanese tender offer regulations, which include "Injunction against TOB" (in Japanese) and "The Regulation of Acquisition of Shares from Multiple Shareholders Outside Markets" (in Japanese).

He has served as Research Associate and Project Lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Associate Professor at Kanazawa University, and Visiting Scholar and Visiting Researcher at National University of Singapore. He is interested in comparative study of law and wrote an outline of Singaporean corporate law in the Japanese book: INTRODUCTION TO SINGAPORE BUSINESS LAW (2022).

As Global Research Fellow at the Hauser Global Law School Program at NYU School of Law, he will work on an article on the tender offer regulations and shareholder activism from the perspective of a comparative study regarding the US, Japan, and notable European jurisdictions. US tender offer regulation is in sharp contrast to the counterparts in Europe. However, Japan incorporates both, and as such shows a unique and complicated regulation in this area, which he plans to explore.

Center Affiliation: Institute for Corporate Governance & Finance
Research Project: A theoretical analysis on the adoption of US and European regulations in the field of stock tender offers