Space Law Society Fall Semester Meeting
40 Washington Square South NY ,10012 (view map)
This event is not open to the public.
This event is intended to be the first event of the newly revitalized Space Law Society. We plan on holding this event in conjunction with Vice Dean Benedict Kingsbury and possibly Prof. Katrina Wyman (if available). Our plan is to hold a roughly hourlong event broken up into two parts:
Part 1: Vice Dean Kingsbury & Prof. Wyman speak in a panel format about the field of space law in general and their upcoming Space Law colloquium scheduled for the spring semester.
Part 2: Light dinner + students-only meeting to: 1) brainstorm possible future events and the general membership's connections with individuals in the field of space law, 2) develop a core group of interested members and identify potential executive board members, and 3) gauge interest in potentially sending a team to the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competition in Washington, D.C. in the spring.