Tuesday, September 22, 2020

SLA Lunch Talk with Junior Sports Attorneys

12:00–2:00 p.m.
This is a virtual event
This event has passed.

Many law students want to work at the intersection of sports and law but lack the understanding of what is needed to earn such positions. In this panel, junior level attorneys working at major law firms in New York will offer guidance regarding what students need to do while still in school to best position themselves to work in the legal world of sports. The Panel will focus on the unique experiences of the panelists, their advice on the jobs aspiring sports-attorneys should pursue, the classes they should take, and the skills that students should develop during law school. The panel will be moderated by several SLA board members and will center on issues pertinent to current law students and new associates at the firms that serve the sports industry.

CLE Credit Available: No
Event Contact(s): Daniel Solomon , dis277@nyu.edu