Tuesday, February 9, 2021

RLSC Colloquium: Defund to Abolish

5:30–8:00 p.m.
This is a virtual event
This event has passed.

In the wake of popular uprisings in response to the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, and Tony McDade, among many others, defunding and abolishing the police has taken on a renewed space in the public discourse and garnered unprecedented public support. This event will bring together organizers, legal practitioners, and activist scholars to unpack and explore strategies to defund and abolish the police, as well as engage with the imaginative possibilities of a police-free world. The event will consist of four panels on topics including the political challenges to defund, how defunding intersects with greater criminal legal reform and abolition efforts, what public safety looks like without police, and how current defunding and abolition measures have played out in cities across the country. Above all, we hope to create a space for discussion, reflection and collaboration that is informative for those new to the issues and useful for those working toward abolition. 


This event has been approved for a total of up to 5 CLE credits (2.5 per night) in the Areas of Professional Practice category. The event is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.


RSVP here

CLE Credit Available: Yes
Event Contact(s): Claire Lowinger-Iverson , cdl358@nyu.edu