Protecting Human Rights in Supply Chains [USALI Talk]
40 Washington Square South New York, NY ,10012 (view map)
About the event:
The promulgation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011 helped focus attention on the need for companies to develop responsible and sustainable approaches to business activities, including their distant supply chains. More than a decade later, severe human rights violations such as forced labor still persist. Meanwhile, new challenges have emerged in the form of climate change and political pushback to a human rights agenda. A distinguished panel of experts will discuss what investors, corporations, NGOs, and government policymakers in the US and Japan are doing now to fulfill their responsibility to protect human rights in supply chains.
This is a hybrid event, register below to attend in person or via Zoom:
Panelists and discussant:
Noor Hamadeh, advocacy counsel for International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR)
Hideaki Roy Umetsu, managing partner of the New York office of Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Kazuko Ito, founder and vice president of Human Rights Now
Akiko Sato, a Japanese lawyer and business and human rights specialist
Bruce Aronson, senior advisor to the Japan Center of the U.S.-Asia Law Institute and an adjunct professor at NYU School of Law