Prosecution Law Society Speakers Series: James Koukios
40 Washington Square South NY ,10012 (view map)
PLS is inviting a speaker, James Koukios, to talk about his experience working in prosecution and how firms typically work with local, state, and national levels of law enforcement. Mr. Kouikos will be joining us via Zoom. Mr. Kouikos is an experienced prosecutor, having worked in government prosecution for over 10 years. He has worked as both an AUSA and as Senior Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section in Washington, D.C., where he supervised investigations, prosecutions, and resolutions in the Fraud Section’s FCPA. Currently, Mr. Koukios works as Co-Chair of the Securities Litigation, Enforcement, and White Collar Defense Group and Global Co-Head of the FCPA and Anti-Corruption Practice at Morrison and Foerster. All NYU Law students are welcome to attend and learn more!
Closed captioning will be provided.