Tuesday, October 20, 2020

OCS 2020: Career Educational Fair for 1Ls

6:00–7:30 p.m.
This is a virtual event
This event has passed.

The JD Career Educational Fair (Virtual for 2020) is an educational forum designed for 1Ls, featuring practitioners spanning various practice areas. The purpose of this event is to educate students on various practice area options and facilitate networking contacts for both the short and long term. 1Ls and 2Ls can speak informally with attorneys with private sector experience about the diverse array of practice specialties and how to prepare for careers in these areas. While you may have attended the Career Fair as a 1L, a virtual platform will enable you to participate again so that more updated information can be incorporated into your WIP interviews. Please note that this is an educational event and not a job fair, so resumes are not required.

***In order to participate in this virtual event, you are required to RSVP through CSM/Symplicity. Practice Areas will have “virtual tables” set up through FloRecruit; a virtual networking software that will allow you to register for a table/time.***

The Office of Career Services and the Judicial Clerkship Office provide reasonable accommodations to all students requesting them.  Requests for accommodations for events and services should be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the accommodation need. Please email law.careers@nyu.edu or call 212-998-6090 for assistance.




CLE Credit Available: No
Event Contact(s): Leona Motomochi , leona.motomochi@nyu.edu