NYU Law Forum—NFTs Explained … To the Extent Possible
What is an NFT, and why are people talking about them? In this Forum, Professors Amy Adler and Chris Sprigman—joined by Mitchell F. Chan, an artist and leading NFT innovator—will look at what NFTs do, and just as importantly, what they *don’t* do. They’ll discuss a number of recent NFT controversies and examine the role that NFTs are beginning to play in art markets. They will also review the intellectual property law, as well as other legal and social issues raised by NFTs, and venture some early predictions about whether NFTs will have enduring importance—and, if so, why. Professor Barton Beebe will moderate.
Amy Adler, Emily Kempin Professor of Law, NYU Law
Barton Beebe, John M. Desmarais Professor of Intellectual Property Law, NYU Law (moderator)
Mitchell F. Chan, Artist
Christopher Jon Sprigman, Murray and Kathleen Bring Professor of Law, NYU Law
To join this Forum as an audience member and receive a Zoom link, please register. If you would like to submit a question for the panelists, you may do so on the registration page. Note on accessibility: This virtual event requires an internet connection and a computer or smartphone. The event will have live captioning. If you need any accommodations, or for any questions, please contact Ian Anderson at ian.anderson@nyu.edu.