Wednesday, April 13, 2022

NYU Furman Center Spring Speaker Series: Oren Ziv

2:00–3:00 p.m.
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Please join the NYU Furman Center for a lunchtime presentation:

Is the Rent Too High? Landownership and Monopoly Powe


Dr. Oren Ziv

Assistant Professor, Economics
Michigan State University

Wednesday, April 13th from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Please register using this link.

Dr. Ziv and co-authors investigate the sources, scope, and implications of landowner market power. They show how monopolistic landownership creates contemporary scarcity and truncates future redevelopment relative to social optimum. They discuss how popular subsidies for redevelopment, zoning regulations, and ownership concentration restrictions interact with monopoly power. Using new building-level data from  New York City, the researchers quantify the scope and impact of monopoly power. A 10% increase in ownership concentration in a Census tract is correlated with a 1% increase in rent. Market power is a substantial economic force: markups account for at least a fifth of rents in the city. Read the working paper here.

About the Presenter: Oren Ziv is Assistant Professor of Economics at Michigan State University. His work focuses on empirical and theoretical aspects of urban economics, economic geography and international trade. He is particularly interested in the location decisions of firms and how geographic frictions affect market outcomes. He holds a PhD and MA from Harvard University and BA from Columbia University. He was the 2016 International Economics Fellow at Dartmouth College and a 2015 Kauffman Dissertation Fellow.

This event is open to members of the NYU community. Please register by clicking this RSVP link.

CLE Credit Available: No
Event Contact(s): Kayla Merriweather ,