LLM ABA Pathways to Employment in International Law
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In partnership with New York University School of Law’s LLM Interview Program
Monday, February 10 2025, 3:00 P.M. EDT
A Virtual Program
Registeration details on CSM.
A unique forum that brings law students and young lawyers together with experienced practitioners to discuss current and practical career tools to use during the job search. Topics include how to network, what strategies work in 2025 including internships, using LinkedIn to make connections with other lawyers, how to position your resume to stand out, taking the bar exam, and many other components to finding the right organization and legal job in this tough job market.
The distinguished panel will be 3 international attorneys from diverse areas of law to give their advice and guidance as you navigate the job market over the next few months. Final panel will be announced very soon.
In addition, the Section’s Annual Conference will be held at the New York City Bar, April 29 – May, 1, 2025. There are student volunteer positions available. Serving as a volunteer will allow you to network with 600+ international attorneys from around the world.