Monday, September 23, 2024

IRP Catholic Charities Immigration Helpdesk Training

6:00–7:30 p.m.
Room 214, Vanderbilt Hall
40 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012 (view map)
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IRP will be hosting Catholic Charities, who will be leading a training for interested NYU Law students to participate in their Immigration Helpdesk. This is an opportunity for students interested in immigration law to get hands on experience working and helping immigrants in NYC. 

Catholic Charities provides a variety of services to immigrants and refugees, including immigration legal assistance, English and US citizenship courses, support for immigrant workers, and case management for recently resettled refugees. Catholic Charities is looking for law student volunteers who are interested in helping with their Immigration Court Help Desk. There is not nearly enough capacity at legal services organizations to provide full representation to every individual looking for assistance with their immigration case, so the help desk helps fill an important need. Volunteering for the help desk may include screening unrepresented individuals in deportation proceedings for forms of immigration relief, helping unrepresented individuals in deportation proceedings complete applications and motions (including asylum, change of address, change of venue, etc.), and attending master calendar hearings with unrepresented individuals as a Friend of the Court to ensure they can effectively communicate with the judge.

CCNY runs a help desk at NYC’s immigration courts (all 3 of which are a short walk or subway ride from campus!) almost every day. Volunteers can sign up for a single day of service or a recurring volunteer opportunity with the help desk. CCNY and IRP will be hosting a help desk training on Monday, September 23rd at 6:00 pm in VH 214. Food will be provided.

CLE Credit Available: No
Event Contact(s): Mariana Gusdorf ,