Tuesday, September 24, 2024

From Forests to Farms: Tackling the Environmental and Social Impacts of Food Production in Brazil

9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Furman Hall, Lester Pollack Colloquium
245 Sullivan Street NY ,10012 (view map)
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Food systems play a critical role in determining the future of forests around the world. Livestock farming and other forms of agriculture have also had a significant impact on the global climate change landscape. In Brazil, deforestation for pastures is one of the main causes of greenhouse gas emissions, and methane emissions from cattle digestion and animal waste decomposition further contribute to the problem. In addition to its climate and biodiversity impacts, food production in the Amazon is also linked to pervasive land grabbing and illegal deforestation, lending to corruption, fraud and laundering practices that harm indigenous peoples and local communities.

As part of this day-long series of programs, panels of experts and stakeholders will discuss ongoing challenges in addressing the environmental and social impacts of the Brazilian meat supply chain, as well as promising solutions for shifting food production in Brazil towards a more sustainable model.


PROGRAM 1 — Watching Brazil's Food Systems: Traceability, Transparency & Integrity in the Meat Supply Chain

9:00 AM — Welcoming Address

9:15 AM — Panel A: Transparency and Traceability in the Brazilian Meat Supply Chain

10:15 AM — Panel B: Countering Deforestation and Corruption in the Brazilian Amazon


PROGRAM 2 — Transforming Brazil’s Food Systems: Best Practices for Promoting Biodiversity and Combating Climate Change

11:30 AM  —  Panel Discussion

1:00 PM  —  Lunch Talk: Opportunities for Generating Carbon Credits by Brazilian Agribusiness


PROGRAM 3 — Tackling Deforestation and Transforming Cattle Production in Brazil

3:00 PM — Keynote Address by Helder Barbalho, Governor of Pará, Brazil

3:15 PM — Panel Discussion


Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law
NYU Wagner Social Impact, Innovation, and Investment (SI3) Specialization
O Mundo Que Queremos


Learn more and register at https://guarinicenter.org/event/from-forests-to-farms/

CLE Credit Available: No
Event Contact(s): Adalene Minelli , adalene.minelli@nyu.edu