Monday, March 31, 2025

Are Climate Negotiations Dead? Looking Forward to COP30 with EU Negotiator Jacob Werksman

1:00–2:30 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Smart Classroom 216
40 Washington Square South New York, NY ,10012 (view map)

The NYU European Legal Society is proud to host Jacob Werksman, who is Principal Adviser for International Aspects of EU Climate Policy and Chief Negotiator for the EU at the COP meetings. During our talk with Mr. Werksman, we will discuss the past, present and future of climate negotiations and look forward to the upcoming and crucial COP30. The event is catering to a large realm of students having an interest in climate change, the EU's international position or the future of COP meetings.

Please register here!





CLE Credit Available: No
Event Contact(s): Max Van Den Bosch ,