AI and Regulatory Change
NYU's Journal of Law & Business is proud to present its spring symposium in its effort to bring together thinkers and practitioners to discuss ever-changing topics that dominate the news. This semester, we are focusing on the regulatory approach to AI in both Europe and the United States, highlighting recent changes to regulation of AI in Europe and the US and its impacts on privacy and IP law. The conversation will include academics and firm representatives in an attempt to provide a broad perspective on these changes Refreshments will be served.
Panelists include:
Lindsay Harris, Cleary Gottlieb
Katherine Strandburg, NYU School of Law
Ignacio Cofone, McGill University Faculty of Law
Jonathan Ashtor, Paul Weiss
Location: Lester Pollack Colloquium (9th Floor, Furman Hall)
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 3rd, 2024, 6:30pm-8:30pm