ACS Presents: Justice Abandoned with Professor Rachel Barkow
40 Washington Square South New York, NY ,10012 (view map)
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Join NYU's American Constitution Society for lunch and a dynamic conversation with Professor Rachel Barkow discussing her new book, Justice Abandoned: How the Supreme Court Ignored the Constitution and Enabled Mass Incarceration. Rachel Barkow is the Charles Seligson Professor of Law and the Faculty Director of the Peter L. Zimroth Center on the Administration of Criminal Law at NYU Law.
In the book, Professor Barkow discusses six Supreme Court cases that she argues were wrongly decided. The cases are:
- United States v. Salerno (1987) discussing pretrial detention
- Bordenkircher v. Hayes (1978) discussing plea bargaining
- Harmelin v. Michigan (1991) discussing cruel and unusual punishment
- Rhodes v. Chapman (1981) discussing prison conditions and overcrowding
- Terry v. Ohio (1968) discussing stop-and-frisk
- McCleskey v. Kemp (1987) discussing racial discrimination challenges
The event will be on Tuesday, March 18 from 1:10–2:25 pm in VH 206 and lunch will be provided! Student participation is welcomed and there will be an opportunity at the RSVP link to submit questions and areas of interest for the discussion. Please RSVP at this link.