The Community Equity Initiative

The Community Equity Initiative at New York University School of Law is committed to challenging entrenched racial inequality in the United States. We pursue advocacy, advise leaders, advance policies, build tools, and convene thinkers to help communities of color connect to the levers of equal opportunity. At the center of community equity is access to critical infrastructure that connects community members to those opportunities. Do members of a community have access to excellent schools, quality jobs, powerful social networks, and other drivers of social mobility? Do they have access to human and economic capital? Do they possess the meaningful and equitable ability to build wealth?  

Community equity is central to the fight for racial justice. Advancing community equity requires that we reimagine how we use the law to strengthen communities of color and allow the people who live in those communities to lead choice-filled lives. Our aim is to create vital and dynamic communities of opportunity where all people can thrive.

Pursuing Advocacy: We promote models of community equity through policy advocacy, public education, and strategic litigation.

Advising Leaders: We host convenings, provide strategic counsel, and contribute to building a multidisciplinary ecosystem of community, government, business, advocacy, and philanthropic leaders committed to building community equity.

Advancing Policies: We develop public policies and craft legislation in collaboration with community leaders.

Building Tools: We develop tools and models of community engagement and community empowerment, helping to increase opportunities for communities to influence government decision-making and amplify their collective voice and power.

Convening Thinkers: We bring together scholars, researchers, and advocates focused on building community equity, and support collaborations among these interdisciplinary groups.