The NYU Law Review’s current issue includes a set of articles originally presented at the Law School in May 2012 during the Conference on Contractual Innovation. Showcasing the work of some of today’s most influential contract scholars on contractual innovation, a leading topic in both theoretical and empirical contract law research, the NYU Law Review site features several articles from the conference by members of the Law School community, on subjects ranging from changes in mass-market consumer software license agreements to the production process for contracts to contractual innovations as forms of technological progress fostering economic growth.
“The Dynamics of Contract Evolution”
by Stephen Choi, Mitu Gulati, and Eric Posner
“Contracts as Technology”
by Kevin Davis
“Tacit Agreement and Relationship-Specific Investment”
by Clayton Gillette
“Set in Stone? Change and Innovation in Consumer Standard-Form Contracts”
by Florencia Marotta-Wurgler ’01 and Robert Taylor ’11
Posted on May 23, 2013