Thought leadership
The Meltzer Center seeks to advance research and thought leadership that is both legally sound and universal in its application. Its current research focuses on three principal topics: (a) DEI and the law; (b) authenticity in the workplace; and (c) allyship in the workplace.
In addition to conducting its own research, the center advances and disseminates the latest research by other diversity and inclusion scholars. Through its speaker series, the center highlights the work of four luminaries each year on topics ranging from implicit bias to virtual reality. The series has welcomed Supreme Court justices, scholars in a variety of academic disciplines, and leading figures in the law and media. It attracts large and diverse audiences of students, faculty, alumni, diversity and inclusion practitioners, and members of the public.
Fostering an inclusive Law School community
The center enables students to integrate diversity and inclusion research into their academic careers through directed research credits and an innovative year-long simulation course, Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusion. The course aims to impart the knowledge and tools to shape inclusive workplaces of the future, as well as the skills to thrive in workplaces as they are today. It examines the conceptual underpinning of diversity and inclusion ideals and concepts such as “implicit bias,” “stereotype threat,” and “covering.” It also includes a practicum on topics such as written communication, negotiation, public speaking, time management, and professional etiquette, taught through a combination of traditional classroom instruction, guest presentations by leading practitioners, and skill-based exercises with feedback and opportunities for improvement.
In addition to providing formal research and learning opportunities, the center offers an orientation program for all incoming JD students on diversity and inclusion. It also engages students through a student fellows program and co-sponsored events with student organizations.
Transforming the world beyond our community
Diversity, inclusion, and belonging are among the core issues of our time. A rapidly increasing number of institutions are grappling with how to foster these values for their people. The center seeks to contribute to that broader national and international dialogue by sharing academic and tactical expertise to advance our common goals.
The center has worked with a variety of prominent organizations within the United States and globally to develop and roll out cutting-edge, research-backed diversity and inclusion education in live and digital formats.
Relationship with other Law School initiatives
The center complements the work of the student affinity groups (ALSAs), the Coalition on Law and Representation, the Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, the Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law, the Birnbaum Women's Leadership Network, the Inclusion and Diversity Committee, the Office of Student Affairs, and other key institutions within the Law School.
Office or Initiative | Role within the Law School |
Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion | Shapes and advances diversity and inclusion initiatives and serves as a consultant, advocate, and institutional resource. Reports directly to the Dean ( |
Dean of Students (Student Affairs) | Provides support to student body through advising and counseling on academic and non-academic matters, consulting on reasonable accommodations, sponsoring programs and events to promote an inclusive environment and working to create a greater quality of life for a diverse student body ( |
Inclusion and Diversity Committee | Addresses policy and structural issues to foster and support diversity and inclusion at NYU Law ( |
Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging | Advances thought leadership on diversity, inclusion, and belonging, and seeks to apply best practices internally and externally ( |
Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law | Seeks to shape how we understand, diagnose, and address issues of race and inequality, through research, teaching, and commentary ( |
Birnbaum Women's Leadership Center | Identifies the unique structures that hold women back professionally and promotes women's leadership in law school and beyond ( |
Career Services Committee | Implements NYU Law's non-discrimination policy regarding recruitment of students for summer and permanent employment ( |
Community advisors | Peer leaders in NYU Law's residence halls who serve as program planners, mediators, crisis responders, and community builders ( |
Student organizations | Offer peer support, events, mentorship, networking, and more |