Options to Broaden the US Tax Base: The Tax Law Center at NYU Law’s “Tealbook”

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A new resource from the Tax Law Center brings together over fifty options for policymakers to broaden and strengthen the U.S. tax base—the foundation for the federal tax system—that we have designed or analyzed to date. Beginning to address the revenue shortfall will be especially important as lawmakers look towards 2025, which will be a major year for U.S. tax policy.

This resource draws upon our team’s deep and varied experience across tax administration, private practice, and legislative branches, including the IRS Chief Counsel’s office; the Department of Treasury Office of Tax Policy; the House Ways and Means Committee; and private law and accounting firms that represent high-net worth individuals and large businesses seeking top-flight representation to ensure that they are navigating the tax system to their best advantage. We also draw upon our networks of practitioners and experts around the country who can point to the nooks and crannies in the tax system based on years of experience practicing, drafting, and implementing tax law. These include attorneys in private practice, former IRS and Treasury officials ranging from career staff to Senate-confirmed leadership, and tax academics and researchers in the US and globally.  

For each proposal, we include information on type of tax (e.g., corporate, high net worth individuals, healthcare, etc.), type of proposal (e.g., legislative, administrative, regulatory) and estimated revenue (where available). 

We were pleased to offer this resource to legislators as part of recent testimony we gave to the Senate Finance Committee and to the Senate Budget Committee on strengthening aspects of the tax base. 

We hope you find this resource useful and will update it regularly as our work continues.  

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