In the Media (2021)

Bloomberg News

December 31, 2021 
Tax Professionals to Follow on Social Media in 2022 
Bloomberg Tax 
Mentioned: Chye-Ching Huang (@dashching) as someone to follow on Twitter for tax news and information. 


November 19, 2021
Taxing Back Better
Vox: The Weeds
Interview: Chye-Ching Huang discusses the tax provisions in the Build Back Better package.

November 19, 2021
Kevin McCarthy misleads about Build Back Better legislation and IRS audits
Quoted: Michael Kaercher points to language in the Build Back Better as well as other administration statements and notes that "funding [for the IRS] will likely increase audit rates, but those increases will be directed to large corporations and high-income filers."

Washington Post logo

November 19, 2021
Op-ed: As Democrats score a big BBB win, Republicans unleash the dumbest attack ever
Washington Post
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang noting "The 2017 tax law capping the SALT deduction was used to pay for tax cuts that were overall even more tilted to the wealthiest filers."

Bloomberg logo

November 18, 2021
Ultra-Rich Skip Estate Tax and Spark 50% Collapse in IRS Revenue
Bloomberg Wealth
Quoted: Tabetha Peavey explains that recent aggressive estate planning was spurred by the higher tax exemption enacted in 2017 and fears of near-term rule tightening.

New York Times Logo

October 28, 2021
How Biden’s $2 Trillion in Tax Increases Target Companies and the Rich
New York Times
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huangon the proposal for a minimum tax on corporations, cautions that “financial statements where book income is reported could become the new ‘locus for tax avoidance.’” 

Business Insider

October 25, 2021
Ultrawealthy foreigners are hiding their millions in the US, and they're going to keep getting away with it until Congress does something about it
Business Insider
Author: Chye-Ching Huang points to ways US lawmakers can respond to the Pandora Papers by tackling tax evasion and corruption: including disclosure of the ownership of certain entities, information reporting on certain financial accounts, and improving taxation of trusts and partnerships. 

October 15, 2021
IRS reform proposal would not require banks to hand over info on routine transactions
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang explains the information-collecting proposal for the IRS is limited to an annual snapshot of only two numbers on covered accounts: (1) the total amount flowing in over a year and (2) the total amount flowing out.  

Teen Vogue logo

October 15, 2021
Billionaires Barely Pay Taxes — Here’s How They Get Away With It
Teen Vogue
Interview: Chye-Ching Huang explains how income from wealth is taxed differently than income from work in ways that allow some people to pay little or no income tax on vast incomes.  

October 12, 2021
What’s Behind the Tax Deal of the Century
Author: Chye-Ching Huang explains a “once-in-a-century moment” that sees countries embracing a more constructive approach to the complicated economics and politics of taxing cross-border business. 

MarketWatch logo

October 7, 2021
Biden wants IRS to monitor people’s bank accounts more closely — will it catch tax cheats, or invade privacy?
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang comments on how a proposal to require limited information reporting on financial accounts is “a critical part of the compliance effort” to ensure that taxes owed under law are paid. 

September 29, 2021
Key Biden Administration Pieces Still Missing Ahead of Reg Surge
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang notes the high expectations on the tax regulatory process no matter the outcome of ongoing reconciliation negotiations, and the need to implement a new analytical framework for assessing tax regulations as soon as possible. 

September 24, 2021
White House Puts New Numbers on Tax Rates of the Ultrarich
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang, “…A big source of income of the wealthy that’s invisible to the tax code [i.e., capital gains and step-up basis] is also… invisible to lawmakers and the public, because data…don’t show how low tax rates on this income undermine a supposedly progressive federal income tax.” 

New York Times Logo

September 19, 2021
How Accounting Giants Craft Favorable Tax Rules From Inside Government
New York Times
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang notes the Treasury and IRS must rely in part on lawyers with private sector experience to understand how companies and wealthy individuals navigate around the tax code, “If you want to know where the bodies are buried, you’ve got to get some of those people.”  

Business Insider

September 16, 2021
Democrats may leave a tax loophole billionaires love untouched. Closing it would dent the fortunes of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.
Business Insider
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang, "The [current] proposal fails to end the ability of the wealthiest filers to go through life without paying any taxes on the vast bulk of their incomes from assets, and this should be revisited as the reconciliation process continues."  

Wall Street Journal_Logo

September 15, 2021
In House Tax Bill, Companies Get Return of Higher Rates but Not the Breaks
Wall Street Journal (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang clarifies that the Democratic proposals in the House raise the domestic tax rate on corporations but also raise the cost of generating profits in low-tax jurisdictions, because “The direction these proposals are going is to reduce the gap.” 

September 14, 2021
The Expanded Child Tax Credit Was a Godsend to Struggling Families. Will Democrats Save It?
The New Republic
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang cites new research that “the impact of lifting children out of poverty has really long-reaching benefits” and responds to concerns the Child Tax Credit disincentivizes recipients from working, noting that those who do leave the workforce tend to do so only temporarily for reasons including caregiving. 

New York Times Logo

September 14, 2021
House Bill Raises Chance for Global Pact to Curb Corporate Tax Havens
New York Times
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang cautioned that retaining some benefits in the current House proposal could be “an incentive to locate profits and investments offshore” and argued that the  plan should be strengthened. 

September 13, 2021
Wyden Looks to Tighten Rules Partnerships Use to Sidestep Taxes
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang, “Underreporting of [business] income is ~1/4 of the tax gap, and a big reason why the top 1%, who disproportionately get income from sources like partnerships that aren’t well-reported on and not well-audited, are responsible for 27% or more of taxes not paid.” 

Law360 Logo

August 12, 2021
Infrastructure Bill's Crypto Crackdown May Yet Be Tamed
Law360 (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang. No matter the ultimate decision on who is defined as “broker,” lawmakers and the White House can ensure “people involved with crypto pay the taxes they owe, like everybody else.” 

August 10, 2021
Crypto Industry Finds Bright Side after Infra Bill Amendment Fails
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang explained that details on which cryptocurrency players will be required to report to the IRS are the type of tax administration decisions that can be made well by Treasury when implementing regulations. 

July 28, 2021
Republican fear of taxes helps the rich, hurts the rest
The Jerusalem Post
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang. The underfunded IRS is “increasingly unable to detect or address blatant tax cheating by high-income filers and the largest businesses.”  

NPR logo

July 28, 2021
What Can The IRS Do To Enforce Tax Laws?
Interviewed: Chye-Ching Huang discusses the impact of budget cuts to the IRS. 

Washington Post logo

July 8, 2021
An ugly new right-wing attack poses a test for populists like J.D. Vance
Washington Post
Mentioned: Chye-Ching Huang notes that more IRS spending would make it less likely that “honest filers” face “unnecessary audits,” because it would allow for beefed-up staff and technology that better “targets audits to tax cheats.” 


June 7, 2021
Biden wants to raise corporate taxes. He might need the world's help.
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang explains, via recent testimony before the US Senate, how despite provisions in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to get at some international corporate profits, “multinationals still shift hundreds of billions in profits offshore each year.” 


June 2, 2021
Billionaires are racing to sidestep President Biden's plan to raise their taxes
Vox recode
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang noted that research on previous capital gains hikes shows there is often a temporary spike in realizations in the year before the new tax takes effect.  

Bloomberg News

May 4, 2021
Biden tax rule would rip billions from the biggest fortunes at death
Bloomberg Tax (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang, “There are ways to draft and implement [an effective tax on capital gains] so it doesn’t allow for large, inefficient tax shelters.” 

Wall Street Journal_Logo

April 29, 2021
Biden's Capital-Gains Tax Plan Would Upend Estate Planning by the Wealthy
Wall Street Journal (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang on the current treatment of capital gains, “It’s one of the biggest, most inefficient and hardest-to-justify tax breaks that exists in the code. There’s just a tiny, tiny sliver of people that have that kind of gain.” 

New York Times Logo

April 27, 2021
Biden Seeks $80 Billion to Beef Up I.R.S. Audits of High-Earners
New York Times
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang, on a proposal to ramp up the IRS’ funding and authority: “The plan is good news for honest filers and businesses, the budget, and the rule of law. Stopping tax cheats from having an unfair advantage helps honest businesses to compete and thrive.” 

April 22, 2021
STEP Act Highlights Difficulty of Tackling Stepped-Up Basis
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang praised the proposed Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion (STEP) Act, particularly the provisions directed at trusts, for “filling out, in a very thoughtful way… detailed design decisions that are needed to turn this… policy into sound, workable law.” 

Washington Post logo

April 16, 2021
Biden plan may not guarantee more big firms pay taxes
Washington Post
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang noted that many of the Fortune 500 corporations not currently paying federal tax would face higher tax burdens under the administration’s proposal to increase taxes on overseas earnings. 

Bloomberg News

April 9, 2021
Biden Seeks 10% IRS Funding Hike to Spur More Audits of Wealthy
Bloomberg Tax (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang emphasized the importance of funding the IRS: “You can change the underlying tax rules in a way that makes gaming less attractive” but you also need “a basic functioning tax revenue collection system to ensure that those rules are followed.”  

Washington Post logo

March 29, 2021
Biden's next big move could blow up one of the silliest myths in D.C.
Washington Post
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang, “We just don’t see in the historical record that tax increases lead to reduced jobs.” Rather, as also seen in several other countries, high-end tax hikes support public investments that “strengthen economies in a way that benefits workers and families.”  

March 29, 2021
Booker, Van Hollen, and Colleagues Announce New Legislation to Close the Stepped-Up Basis Tax Loophole
Insider NJ
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang calls the STEP proposal “a big step in addressing one of the most inefficient and inequitable tax breaks on income generated by extraordinary fortunes” and applauds its “sound solutions to the detailed technical decisions” needed for implementation.  

Washington Post logo

March 12, 2021
The IRS is behind in processing nearly 7 million tax returns, slowing refunds as it implements new stimulus
Washington Post
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang comments on the IRS’ plight: “When you take so much money out of an agency, it will do less with less, and that’s showing up across the [agency] — from the time it takes to process a return to how many calls it can answer to lower enforcement.” 

Washington Post logo

March 11, 2021
A new attack on Biden's stimulus gives Democrats a way to call the GOP's bluff
Washington Post
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang's op-ed is cited for laying out a good case for IRS reform and the need for a multiyear stream of funding to rebuild, modernize, and fortify the agency.  

New York Times Logo

March 10, 2021
How Biden Funds His Next Bill: Shrink the $7.5 Trillion Tax Gap
New York Times
Author: Chye-Ching Huang explains how adequately funding the IRS would increase tax compliance, raise revenue, and help honest filers and businesses.  

January 26, 2021
The new Tax Law Center at NYU Law aims to protect and strengthen the tax system
NYU School of Law
Mentioned: With Chye-Ching Huang at the helm, the new Tax Law Center at NYU Law, conceived by NYU faculty, Lily Batchelder and David Kamin, will bring a public interest perspective to tax law issues that have profound implications for government, businesses, and individuals. 

Bloomberg News

Get Wealthy Americans to Pay Their Taxes
Bloomberg Businessweek
Author: Chye-Ching Huang. New estimates show more than 20% of wealthy people’s income goes unreported. Yet rates of audits on highest-income individuals and wealthy corporations has been cut in half since 2010. It is time to rebuild an underfunded IRS.