On April 7, Catherine Sharkey was awarded a fellowship by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation for her project “Judicially managed federalism: federal preemption of state law.”
Her project will examine the established view of federal preemption and analyze the expansion of federal government's growing power versus states' rights. “I hope to show that the preemption debate is no less than a debate over the fundamental allocation of power between the federal government and the states," says Sharkey, "and one that is not likely to be resolved any time soon.”
Sharkey was one of 180 scholars, scientists, and artists awarded a fellowship by the Foundation on the basis of their achievement and exceptional promise. This year marked the eighty-seventh annual competition for the United States and Canada with almost 3,000 applicants.
“I am honored to have been awarded a Guggenheim fellowship, and am excited about the prospect of pursuing, in greater depth, my interests in preemption and federalism,” Sharkey said. “I am deeply indebted to my colleagues here at NYU, who have contributed immeasurably to my interest in, and understanding of, these issues.”
Posted April 12, 2011