Main Reading Room Partial Closure
Main Reading Room South of the Law Library will be closed on Tuesday, March 25th for necessary repairs. The North side of the Main Reading Room is open, but please expect some noise. We apologize for the inconvenience. Reference service today will be primarily virtual, but if in person assistance is needed, please ask for a reference librarian at the circulation desk (11-3pm).
What's New at the Law Library
Student Survey
We want your feedback! Help us improve the NYU Law Library by filling out a short survey. You can enter to win one of two NYU Bookstore gift cards. Fill out the survey now!
Quiet Collaboration Zone
The Sullivan Street Study Room has been designated as a Quiet Collaboration Zone. Low-volume conversations are welcome in this area. Come in and check out the space and let us know what you think.
Book Scanner
In addition to the BookEye scanner in the Main Reading Room, we have a ScannX book scanner available for student use in the Computer Lab on the first basement level.
Circulating Technology Collection
All items in our Circulating Technology Collection are available for 3 hour loan from the circulation desk. Borrow LegalPads to help with legal writing, desk lamps to adjust the lighting levels in your study area, and textbook holders.